if [ $# -lt 1 ] then print_failure "You must specify the library modules to link against." exit 1 fi TEST_LIBS=$@ for lib in ${TEST_LIBS} do cname="$(get_cname ${lib})" LINK_LIBS="\${${cname}} ${LINK_LIBS}" if [ ! -e ../${lib}/build.lib ] then print_failure "src/${lib} is not a library" exit 1 fi # HACK -- we need to extract the library's header name do_cmd export ${cname}_MONOLITHIC="1" do_cmd source ../${lib}/build.monolithic || exit 1 TEST_HEADERS="#include \"${HDR}\"\n${TEST_HEADERS}" done do_parameter_subst TEST_LIBS LINK_LIBS TEST_HEADERS true # kate: replace-trailing-space-save true; space-indent true; tab-width 4; # vim: expandtab:ts=4:sw=4