leaptable-compiler ======================================================================== Copyright: ©2009–2012, Laurence Withers Author: Laurence Withers License: GPLv3 See file COPYING for detail license information. Really Quick Instructions ------------------------- To build: ./make.sh To install: ./make.sh install You might want to edit 'config' first. You might also want to set 'INSTALL_PREFIX', which is prepended onto the destination of any installed file. Purpose ------- This project contains a single executable, leaptable-compiler, which is used to compile, dump or verify the contents of a table of leap seconds in a format suitable for loading with libiso8601. See http://www.lwithers.me.uk/usr/src/libiso8601/ for details. Instructions ------------ Use --help for usage info. In compile mode, it takes a text file (or stdin) with an ISO8601-format date on each line. Each date corresponds to a day with a positive leap second, e.g.: 2005-06-30 2005-12-31 2008-12-31 This file is compiled into the binary format expected by libiso8601's iso8601_leap_table_load() function. In dump mode, the binary file is dumped into a text file. In verify mode, the library is used to load a compiled file, and some basic tests are performed to check the library behaviour matches what is expected.